Revista ConstruChemical - Edição 13 - page 9

Horizontal roadmarking solutions for improved safety
andmobility on the roadbased onDegaroute resinswere
thehighlightsat thecompany’sboothduring theTranspo-
Quip tradeshow inSãoPaulo.
Evonik, a world leader in specialty chemicals, celebrating
60 years of activities in Brazil in 2013, took part in another
editionof theTranspoQuipLatinAmerica trade show,which
tookplace inDecemberat theExpoCenterNorte, inSãoPau-
lo, São Paulo.The show brought together companies which
supply technology, products and services to customers in the
Brazilian and Latin American transportation infrastructure
“Our participationwas very positive, andwe had the op-
portunity topresent to a specialized audience thediversityof
highperformance solutions for improved safety andmobility
business forSouthAmerica.
Engineer from Piracicaba sees product usage gaining
Sincehe startedproducingplasticmolds formolding con-
cretewalls at construction sites, Piracicaba engineerWander-
ley Jayme Esmael, director and founder ofMetroModular, a
companyheadquartered inPiracicaba, saw theusageofmolds
grow every year. This is because the molds, produced with
plastic resins, can be utilized countless times in other con-
structions, adapting to different projects, having its dimen-
sionsalteredandmodulated foranymeasure.
Plasticmolds allow the constructionof walls, pillars, slabs
and foundation strips and blocks, and can be employed on
a large scale in residential, commercial, and industrial con-
struction projects.The system features easy implementation,
withwell-defined processes and phases, and easy equipment
handling, while ensuring the system assembly and a small
probabilityofexecutionerrors. “Forpopularhousingdevelop-
ments, the productivity is about one house per day, and after
this period, the home walls are ready to receive facing, tiles
and coatings.The system’s characteristics provide several ad-
vantages that generate savings of 20 to 40 percent in the end
constructioncost,” remarksEsmael.
Interview -SmartBuilding
Adaptingabuilding to the localweather isbetterandmore
efficient than trying toadapt toweather to therequirementsof
anewbuilding. Basedon thispremise, BayerMaterialScience
has launched the EcoCommercial Building (ECB) program.
First launched in2009, it is part of theBayer group’s Sustain-
According to FernandoResende, responsible for the Eco-
Commercial Building program in Brazil, the proposition is
underpinned by a combination of the best, most innovative
materials, systems and technologies to erect buildings that
are fit for the climate conditions of any place on the planet,
with lowenergyconsumption, a lowerenvironmental impact,
and economic feasibility. “To that end, Bayer has been enter-
ing into partnerships with manufacturers and contractors
the world over and already a leader in sustainable buildings
in severalmarkets.Themain goal is to combine experiences,
fromdesign toconstruction,withananalysisof theoperating
situation, and thenuse the lessons learned innewcommercial
InBrazil, BayerMaterialScience has already set up a new
and exclusive business platform to identify in the local mar-
ketpotentialpartnersshowing theskills todevelopsustainable
projects. “Bayer is the leaderof a ‘green supply chain’, consist-
ingof representatives of all stages in the constructionproject,
from the architectural design to the constructionproper and
to the reuseanddisposal ofmaterials and resources,” saysRe-
For this first quarter, theGermanmultinational will break
ground for theconstructionof its sixthECB in theworldand
the first in LatinAmerica—the other ones are inGermany,
Belgium, theUnitedStates, IndiaandChina.Bayer’snew sus-
tainablebuilding isbeingerectedat itsSãoPauloheadquarters,
in thedistrictofSocorro, on the south sideof the statecapital.
Thebuildingwill cover 600 squaremeters and serveas so-
cial space for the1,800employees at theheadquarters. Signed
by thefirmLoebCapoteArquiteturaeUrbanismo, thedesign
has beendevelopedwith state-of-the-art sustainable building
elements, without prejudice to aesthetics and comfort for its
tenants. “Oneexample is the sheetofwater inoneof theareas
of theECB. Interconnectedwitha stormwater collectionand
treatment system, it is strategic to keep a pleasant humidity
and temperature level in themicroclimate, reducing theuseof
airconditioning,while impartingbeauty,”Resendepointsout.
The ECBwill alsomake use of thermal insulation and clear
materials which will further contribute to thermal comfort
and reduce power consumption. Permeable areas have also
received special attention, so the entire floor in the outdoor
areawill consistofwoodendecks toallowstormwaters torun
offandbebetter absorbedby the soil. Inaddition, an innova-
tiveautomation systemwillprovidereal-timemonitoringand
controlofallwaterandpowerconsumption in thebuilding,as
well as the variation of indoor lighting according to the out-
Bayer’sfirstEcoCommercialBuilding inBrazilwillalsouse
renewableenergy sources, LED lamps for lighting, clearpoly-
carbonate plates for utilization of natural light, polyurethane
for thermal insulation of façades and roofs, and low-VOC
coatings, adhesivesand sealants, amongother things.
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